About Government Refinance and Home Purchase Programs

Information and Updates on Government Mortgage Programs

[Update — While overall market rates have moved higher recently, the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, and USDA mortgage programs remain the best options for most borrowers. Contact us today to learn more.]


There are several government-backed home purchase programs designed to make it easier for Americans to buy a home, including programs from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, USDA, and the VA. The goal of these programs is to allow for low down payments and to make it easier for people with less than perfect credit to qualify for a mortgage. With housing prices becoming more reasonable across the country again, now is a terrific time to look into buying a home. Fill in the contact form on our home purchase programs page to learn more about the available government-backed purchase programs and perhaps to get pre-qualified for a home purchase loan.


There are several superb government-backed refinance programs for borrowers who have even a little equity in their homes.

Popular reasons to seek a refinance:

Just fill in the form in the sidebar to be pointed in the right direction on these refinance options.



Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

There was an interesting article over at Forbes recently titled “All-Time Low Mortgage Rates: Time To Refinance?”. Here are some highlights:

Your breakeven period is one of the most important considerations in a refinance. To determine your breakeven period, you need to look at the monthly savings you’ll create by refinancing and the total cost to refinance your loan. Let’s say that by refinancing, you’ll save $200 a month, and that the cost to refinance is $4,800. To determine your breakeven period, divide your refinance cost by your monthly savings. In this example, the breakeven period would be 24 months, or two years.

If you plan to stay in your house for longer than the breakeven period, refinancing might make sense. Now, if you’re only planning to stay there for 26 months, will that $400 you save be worth the time and hassle of going through the refinancing process? Maybe not. But if you’re planning to stay in the house for another 10 years, the refinance would save you $2,400 a year for eight years, or $19,200 (less the cost of the refinance).

Contact us in the sidebar in order to find out if you can qualify for a refinance. If you can qualify for a refinance we can help you get the estimates/information you need to figure out your breakeven point.

Comments Off on Mortgage interest rates at an all time low — should you refinance? On figuring out your breakeven point Posted on Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

There have been some speculations that interest rates on government-backed mortgages could creep even lower this coming week. A writer over at BankRate.com said the following:

For the fourth week in a row, we are going to set a record for the lowest rate in the nearly 25-year history of Bankrate’s weekly mortgage survey.

Last week the 30-year fixed averaged 4.75 percent in Bankrate’s survey. When the survey is conducted today, I expect it to fall to around 4.66 percent.

Contact us in the sidebar right away if you would like to refinance to a lower interest rate while such rates are still available.

Comments Off on New lows in mortgage rates this week? Posted on Friday, July 23rd, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

The new financial reform law includes a provision that is specifically designed to provide relief to homeowners who have lost their jobs. We get this from a recent MarketWatch piece on the subject:

More help is on the way for unemployed homeowners struggling to make their mortgage payments, thanks to funding tucked into the financial reform legislation signed by President Obama on Wednesday.

Although the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development hasn’t released the details of exactly how the $1 billion emergency homeowners’ relief fund will be distributed, legislation dictates that the program start by Oct. 1.

HUD is reviewing the language to determine the best method of implementation, said Lemar C. Wooley, a HUD spokesman.

The bill also includes $1 billion for redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes.”

Fill in the contact form on the right to learn more.

Comments Off on A billion dollars set aside for unemployed homeowners Posted on Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

There was a news release recently outlining some of the details of the new help for unemployed borrowers program. Here are some of the highlights:

By August 1, all mortgage servicers participating in the Making Home Affordable Program will offer extra help for homeowners struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments because of unemployment. The Unemployment Program will offer homeowners a forbearance period to temporarily reduce or suspend their monthly mortgage payments while they seek re-employment.

The minimum forbearance period is three months, although a mortgage servicer may extend it depending on the investor and regulator guidelines. If a homeowner becomes re-employed in that time, the forbearance period will end and the homeowner will be evaluated for a mortgage modification under the Making Home Affordable Program. Unemployment benefits will no longer qualify as income for the mortgage modification program.

During the forbearance period, a homeowner’s monthly mortgage payment must be reduced to no more than 31 percent (or less) of their gross monthly income. The servicer can decide to temporarily suspend payments in full. The payment amount and due dates will be decided by the servicer depending on investor and regulator guidelines.

To qualify, a homeowner must meet the following eligibility criteria:

* The mortgage must be a first lien mortgage, originated on or before January 1, 2009, and the unpaid principal balance must be equal to or less than $729,750 for a one-unit property.
* The property must be the homeowner’s principal residence.
* The mortgage has not been previously modified through a Home Affordable Modification.
* The homeowner was ineligible for a Home Affordable Modification.
* The homeowner is either behind on payments (but not by more than three consecutive months) or it is reasonably forseeable that the homeowner will fall behind.
* The total monthly mortgage payment is greater than 31 percent of the homeowner’s gross monthly income. If the payment is less, it is up to the servicer’s discretion if they will offer the program to the homeowner.
* The homeowner will be unemployed at the start of the forbearance period, and is able to document this because they will be receiving unemployment benefits in the month the forbearance period begins (even if the benefits expire before the forbearance period ends).

A mortgage servicer may require that, based on investor and regulator guidelines, homeowners have received at least three months of unemployment benefits before they begin a forbearance period.

There is no cost to apply to the Unemployment Program, although late charges may accrue while the homeowner is being evaluated for the program or in the program. A mortgage servicer may not collect late charges from the homeowner while they are still in the forbearance period.

Servicers may not initiate foreclosure proceedings or conduct a foreclosure sale while a homeowner is being evaluated for the Unemployment Program or in the forbearance period.

Comments Off on More on the new helped for unemployed borrowers program Posted on Sunday, July 11th, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

If you ever considered refinancing there may never be a better time than right now. The combination of the European debt crisis coupled with a low demand for mortgages overall has pushed interest rates on government-backed mortgages to stunning lows. Contact us in the sidebar today if you would like to look into reducing your mortgage interest rate and payments.

Comments Off on Rates on government-backed mortgages hitting 50 year lows Posted on Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

Despite signs recently that mortgage interest rates were moving up again, they ended up dipping recently to record lows. We get this from a recent Wall Street Journal piece:

Mortgage rates fell slightly the past week, with three of the four rates Freddie Mac tracks—including the 30-year fixed-rate—falling to record lows, according to Freddie’s weekly survey of mortgage rates.

The rates on all but one-year adjustable-rate mortgages hit the lowest point since Freddie began tracking them—1971 for the 30-year loans, 1991 for 15-year fixed and 2005 for 5-year adjustables. The one-year set yet another 6-year low in the latest week.

The declines come amid a continued rally in the Treasurys market, which pushes the debt’s yields down. Mortgage rates generally track yields.

If you would like to improve your mortgage contact us in the sidebar right away while rates are scraping bottom.

Comments Off on Government-backed mortgage interest rates suddenly dip to new lows Posted on Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

The full FAQ on the newly announced program can be found here. Some of the highlights are below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will homeowners begin to receive help under the new enhancements?

It will take time to get these new program enhancements up and running. Some pieces, such as
increased payments for alternatives to foreclosures, will be put in place in the coming weeks. We
anticipate the full set of programs to be available by the fall.

Q: I think I may be eligible for the temporary assistance for unemployed homeowners. When
will this program be available to eligible borrowers?

We will move to implement this as quickly as possible and expect it to be offered within the next
few months. Some major investors and servicers have similar programs in place today.

Q: If I qualify for the forbearance period, will I be eligible for a HAMP modification at the
end of the forbearance period if I become employed?

At the end of the temporary assistance period, homeowners who have a mortgage payment
greater than 31 percent of their monthly income must be considered for a permanent HAMP
modification. To receive the permanent HAMP modification, homeowners must verify
qualifying income with standard documentation and must be current on forbearance plan
payments, and the modified loan must pass the standard net present value (NPV) test. It is
important to note that unemployment insurance will not be counted as income when a
homeowner is evaluated for HAMP at the end of the forbearance plan. Not all unemployed
homeowners will receive a HAMP modification at the end of the temporary assistance period.

Q: I owe more on my house than it is worth. How do the HAMP changes help me and other
underwater homeowners?

Homeowners who are significantly underwater and who are eligible for the HAMP program will
benefit from changes that will motivate lenders to writedown more principal. This will help
homeowners regain some of the equity lost due to severe home price declines in many regions of
the country. The changes will require all servicers to consider an alternative modification
approach which includes writedown of some principal for loans that are over 115 percent of the
current value of the property (LTV). Servicers will earn increased incentives for offering
principal writedowns in conjunction with a HAMP modification. The alternative payment
reduction option will allow homeowners to regain lost equity in their homes just by remaining
current on their modified payments. Servicers will initially forbear some or all of the principal
balance over 115 percent LTV as needed to bring the borrower’s payment to 31 percent of
income. Then, servicers will forgive this forborne amount in three equal amounts over 3 years, as
long as homeowner remains current on payments.

Q: How do I know if I qualify for principal reduction in HAMP?
If your property is worth at least 15 percent less than the amount of your first mortgage you may
be eligible, but not every underwater borrower will benefit from principal reduction through the
HAMP program. Your servicer or investor will contact you if you are eligible.

Q: Will these changes require my servicer to write down my principal?
No, principal writedown will not be required. However, we are providing increased financial
incentives and expect that where principal write-down yields a greater economic benefit, based
on the net present value (NPV) test comparison, lenders will generally choose to pursue the
principal writedown option when they are legally permitted to do so.

Q: I have an existing HAMP modification. Will I be able to take advantage of the new
principal forgiveness program?

Possibly. The increased incentives will be available to servicers who elect to review loan that
have already been modified under HAMP to determine if principal forgiveness would help bring
those mortgages closer to a market value.

Q. I have both a first and a second lien, is there any payment assistance available for my
second lien?

Yes, many borrowers whose first mortgages are permanently modified under HAMP may now
be eligible for payment relief on their second lien if their servicer is participating in the Second
Lien Modification Program (2MP). We have increased incentives in this program to encourage
servicers and investors to either forgive all or a portion of qualifying second liens

Q: I have applied for a HAMP modification but continue to receive notices from my servicer
that I am in foreclosure. Are there new protections to prevent the servicer from selling my
home while I am being considered for the HAMP modification?

Yes. New and clarifying guidance provides protection for responsible borrowers against
initiation of costly and unnecessary foreclosures while the borrower is being considered for
HAMP. The guidance clarifies the solicitation requirements for borrower eligible for HAMP,
including mail and phone outreach. In addition, the guidance provides improvements in
communication about the foreclosure process to reduce confusion for borrowers who are
simultaneously in foreclosure and either being evaluated for HAMP or in a trial payment plan.
Also, the guidance requires written certification that a borrower is not HAMP eligible before an
attorney or trustee can conduct a foreclosure sale.

Q: I was told that I did not qualify for HAMP because I have filed for bankruptcy protection.
How will the new enhancement impact me?

As a result of the new guidance, servicers are required to consider a borrower in bankruptcy for
HAMP if the borrower or the borrower’s bankruptcy counsel asks for help. The guidance also
includes new features to facilitate the process for them.

FHA Refinance Options

Q: I owe more on my home than it is worth. How can the FHA Refinance option help me as
an underwater borrower?

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is making some changes to its existing refinancing
program guidelines that will allow more lenders to perform mortgage principal write-down for
underwater homeowners in mortgages not currently insured by FHA. These adjustments will
provide more opportunities for qualifying mortgage loans to be responsibly restructured and
refinanced into FHA loans as long as the borrower is current on the mortgage and the lender or
investor writes down the unpaid principal balance of their mortgage by at least 10 percent of the
original first lien of the borrower. A second lien write-down program will be paired with these
changes to encourage further write-down of second liens such that total mortgage debt (first and
second liens) is no greater than 115 percent of the current value of the home.

Q: Am I eligible for a FHA Refinance loan?
This is a voluntary refinancing and lenders must agree to the writedown. However, the new
FHA refinance option is only available to responsible homeowners who are current on an
existing mortgage that is not insured by FHA. Eligible borrowers must occupy the home as the
primary residence and will also have to meet FHA standard documentation and other
underwriting requirements. In addition, to participate in the program, all homes will be appraised
to determine current market value. The LTV loan for the new FHA loan must be no greater than
97.75 percent of the appraised value of the home.

Q: When will the FHA Refinance loan be available to underwater borrowers?
FHA will move to implement this as quickly as possible and expect that lenders can begin
making decisions by the fall. Specific guidelines will be posted in a FHA Mortgagee Letter in
the near future.

Q: How do I apply for an FHA refinance loan?
Because this program is voluntary for lenders, not all underwater borrowers who meet the
eligibility standards will receive an FHA refinance loan. You will be notified by your lender if
you have been selected to participate in the program.

Q: I have an FHA-insured loan. Why am I not eligible for this principal forgiveness?
FHA-insured borrowers are currently eligible for extensive loss mitigation assistance to prevent
foreclosure and make mortgage payments more affordable. FHA is currently prohibited by
statute from offering explicit principal forgiveness to FHA-insured loans.

Comments Off on FAQ sheet on the newest government refinance assistance programs Posted on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

We recently noted that mortgage interest rates hit new 2010 lows last week. Well the trend is continuing and we get the following from a recent CNBC article:

Here’s some good news for the struggling US housing market: Thanks to the European debt crisis, mortgage rates are at historic lows.

The current average rate for a 30 year fixed loan is 4.87 percent, according to Bankrate.com. That’s the lowest rate for the 30 years since Bankrate started keeping track 25 years ago…

If you think you could be a candidate for a HARP loan or other government-backed refinance loan contact us in the sidebar immediately. These low rates may be disappearing soon.

Comments Off on Mortgage interest rates hit historic lows Posted on Monday, June 21st, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

Most foreclosures in the US are happening in a handful of hard hit states. To address this issue the Obama administration recently signed on on a $1.5 billion plan targeted at and administered by some of those hard hit states. Here are some excepts from a recent HousingWire article on the topic:

The aid, granted through the Hardest Hit Fund announced in February, supports local initiatives to aid underwater mortgage borrowers in states where average housing prices declined 20% or more from peak levels. The states include Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan and Nevada.

“While we’ve made important progress stabilizing the housing market and keeping responsible families in their homes, the Obama Administration will continue to do everything it can to help those who are struggling the most during this difficult time,” said Treasury assistant secretary for financial stability Herbert Allison, Jr., in a statement. “Today marks an important milestone for delivering relief to homeowners through the Hardest Hit Fund program.”

Comments Off on Obama administration signs off on $1.5 billion foreclosure prevention plan Posted on Monday, June 21st, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

With the panic over the Greek debt crisis subsiding, the circumstances that sent mortgage interest rates to stunning lows recently are beginning to fade as well. As a result mortgage interest rates are beginning to inch higher again.

If you have been considering a refinance or would like to look at other available assistance programs contact us in the sidebar now while rates are still extremely low.

Comments Off on Interest rates on government-backed mortgages at historic lows but beginning to inch higher Posted on Sunday, June 20th, 2010

Filed under HARP Program Loans or The Obama Refinance Program

There was a recent news release over at MakingHomeAffordable.gov on the details of the new program designed to help unemployed homeowners. Fill in the contact form in the sidebar to learn more about the programs that might apply to you. Here is an excerpt from that release:

By August 1, all mortgage servicers participating in the Making Home Affordable Program will offer extra help for homeowners struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments because of unemployment. The Unemployment Program will offer homeowners a forbearance period to temporarily reduce or suspend their monthly mortgage payments while they seek re-employment.

The minimum forbearance period is three months, although a mortgage servicer may extend it depending on the investor and regulator guidelines. If a homeowner becomes re-employed in that time, the forbearance period will end and the homeowner will be evaluated for a mortgage modification under the Making Home Affordable Program. Unemployment benefits will no longer qualify as income for the mortgage modification program.

During the forbearance period, a homeowner’s monthly mortgage payment must be reduced to no more than 31 percent (or less) of their gross monthly income. The servicer can decide to temporarily suspend payments in full. The payment amount and due dates will be decided by the servicer depending on investor and regulator guidelines.

To qualify, a homeowner must meet the following eligibility criteria:

* The mortgage must be a first lien mortgage, originated on or before January 1, 2009, and the unpaid principal balance must be equal to or less than $729,750 for a one-unit property.
* The property must be the homeowner’s principal residence.
* The mortgage has not been previously modified through a Home Affordable Modification.
* The homeowner was ineligible for a Home Affordable Modification.
* The homeowner is either behind on payments (but not by more than three consecutive months) or it is reasonably forseeable that the homeowner will fall behind.
* The total monthly mortgage payment is greater than 31 percent of the homeowner’s gross monthly income. If the payment is less, it is up to the servicer’s discretion if they will offer the program to the homeowner.
* The homeowner will be unemployed at the start of the forbearance period, and is able to document this because they will be receiving unemployment benefits in the month the forbearance period begins (even if the benefits expire before the forbearance period ends).

A mortgage servicer may require that, based on investor and regulator guidelines, homeowners have received at least three months of unemployment benefits before they begin a forbearance period.

There is no cost to apply to the Unemployment Program, although late charges may accrue while the homeowner is being evaluated for the program or in the program. A mortgage servicer may not collect late charges from the homeowner while they are still in the forbearance period.

Comments Off on On the new help for unemployed homeowners program Posted on Friday, June 18th, 2010

Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News

Below is a video interview from Yahoo Finance with analyst Gary Shilling. Shilling predicts that housing prices in the US will drop another 20% over the next three years. If his prediction is even close now is the time to refinance. Mortgage interest rates are currently near all time lows and with housing prices potentially falling further many US homeowners may not have enough equity to refinance to a lower rate in a few years. Contact us in the form in the sidebar to learn about which government-backed mortgage programs apply to you.

Comments Off on More reasons why the time to refinance is now: US housing prices may still be going down Posted on Wednesday, June 16th, 2010