[Update — While overall market rates have moved higher recently, the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA, and USDA mortgage programs remain the best options for most borrowers. Contact us today to learn more.]
There are several government-backed home purchase programs designed to make it easier for Americans to buy a home, including programs from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, USDA, and the VA. The goal of these programs is to allow for low down payments and to make it easier for people with less than perfect credit to qualify for a mortgage. With housing prices becoming more reasonable across the country again, now is a terrific time to look into buying a home. Fill in the contact form on our home purchase programs page to learn more about the available government-backed purchase programs and perhaps to get pre-qualified for a home purchase loan.
There are several superb government-backed refinance programs for borrowers who have even a little equity in their homes.
Popular reasons to seek a refinance:
– Get cash out. Home values have increased dramatically across the country which allows for cash out refinances in many cases. Some popular reasons to get a cash out refinance include paying off credit cards and other expensive debts or doing home improvements. If the homeowner has an excellent rate on their first mortgage already and a cash out refinance doesn’t make sense to tap equity, sometimes a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or 2nd mortgage can work instead. Contact us to learn more.
– Lower interest rates and monthly payments. Refinancing to a better interest rate can help families save a lot of money.
– Get rid of mortgage insurance (PMI). If you have at least 5-10% equity, contact us to look at refinancing to remove monthly PMI payments.
– Refinance to a 15 year mortgage. Interest rates on 15 year fixed mortgages tend to be significantly lower than rates on 30 year fixed loans. Monthly payments on 15 year mortgages are generally higher than payments on 30 year loans, but for borrowers who can handle somewhat higher payments, refinancing to a 15 year mortgage can mean paying the mortgage off much sooner and saving massive amounts of money in interest paid over the the life of the loan.
Just fill in the form in the sidebar to be pointed in the right direction on these refinance options.
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News, Updates on FHA short refi program - HOPE loan qualifications
The release can also be found here.
Changes will allow more struggling families to use the program and keep their homes
WASHINGTON – U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Steve Preston today announced that the HOPE for Homeowners (H4H) Board of Directors has approved changes to the program to help more distressed borrowers refinance into affordable, goverment-back mortgages. The changes will reduce the program costs for consumers and lenders alike while also expanding eligibility by driving down the borrower’s monthly mortgage payments.
“Clearly, meaningful changes were needed. These modifications should increase lender participation and help more families who are having difficulty paying their existing morgages, but can afford a new affordable loan insured by HUD’s Federal Housing Administration,” said Preston.
By taking full advantage of the new authority provided under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) of 2008, HOPE for Homeowners will provide additional mortgage assistance to struggling homeowners.
Modifications to HOPE for Homeowners include:
* Increasing the loan to value ratio (LTV) to 96.5 percent for some H4H loans;
* Simplifying the process to remove subordinate liens by permitting upfront payments to lienholders; and
* Allowing lenders to extend mortgage terms from 30 to 40 years.
“These changes will further encourage lenders to take a hard look at this program before heading down the path to foreclosure and will provide families with another resource to refinance into a loan they can afford,” said FHA Commissioner Brian D. Montgomery. “HOPE for Homeowners will continue to serve as another loss mitigation tool that can be used to help families keep their homes.”
HOPE for Homeowners will continue to only offer affordable, government-insured fixed rate mortgages. Further, this program will maintain FHA’s long-standing requirement that new loans be based on a family’s long-term ability to repay the mortgage. Only owner-occupants are eligible for FHA-insured mortgages.
Increasing the Loan-to-Value and Adjusting Debt-to-Income Ratios
The program will increase the loan-to-value ratio (LTV) on H4H loans to 96.5 percent for borrowers whose mortgage payments represent no more than 31 percent of their monthly gross income and household debt no more than 43 percent. This change will expand the number of eligible borrowers. Raising the loan-to-value ratio reduces the gap between the existing loan balances and the new H4H loan and decrease losses to the existing primary lienholders. Alternatively, the program will continue to offer borrowers with higher debt loads a 90 percent loan-to-value ratio on their H4H loans. This LTV ratio will include borrowers with debt-to-income ratios as high as 38 and 50 percent. In conjunction with the LTV change, H4H will eliminate the trial modification that was previously required. This measure was too complicated and required delicate negotiations among the existing lienholders, the new H4H lender, and the borrower.
Immediate Payments to Subordinate Lienholders
H4H will offer subordinate lienholders an immediate payment in exchange for releasing their liens, to permit more borrowers access to the program. Previously, subordinate lienholders who released their liens were only eligible to receive a small recovery payment when the home owned by the H4H borrower was sold. Given the amount of time that would pass between the creation of the H4H and the ultimate sale of the home, as well as the tremendous market uncertainties, subordinate lienholders were not guaranteed any return at all. To address this problem, the subordinate lienholders may now receive an immediate payment at the time the H4H loan is originated.
Extending Loan Terms from 30 to 40 years
To assure that borrowers are put into the most affordable monthly payment possible, HOPE for Homeowners will permit lenders to extend the mortgage term from 30 to 40 years. For borrowers with very high mortgage and household debt loads, extending out the amortization period may reduce their monthly payments enough to make it possible for them to qualify for this rescue product and save their homes.
Consistent with statutory and regulatory requirements, borrowers must continue to meet the following criteria:
* Their mortgage must have originated on or before January 1, 2008.
* They cannot afford their current loan.
* They must have made a minimum of six full payments on their existing first mortgage and did not intentionally miss mortgage payments.
* The loan amount may not exceed a maximum of $550,440.
* The Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium is 3 percent and the Annual Mortgage Insurance Premium is 1.5 percent.
* The holders of existing mortgage liens must waive all prepayment penalties and late payment fees.
* They do not own a second home.
* They did not knowingly or willfully provide false information to obtain the existing mortgage, and they have not been convicted of fraud in the last 10 years.
* They must follow FHA’s long-standing and strict policy of fully documented income and employment.
The HOPE for Homeowners program was authorized by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. A Board of Directors was charged with establishing underwriting standards to ensure borrowers, after any write-down in principal, have a reasonable ability to repay their new FHA-insured mortgage. The program began October 1, 2008, and will end September 30, 2011.
The HOPE for Homeowners Board of Directors includes HUD Secretary Steve Preston, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke, and FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair. They have named the following people to serve on the board as their designees: FHA Commissioner and Chairman of the Board Brian Montgomery, Federal Reserve Board Governor Elizabeth Duke, Treasury Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Phillip Swagel, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Director Tom Curry.
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
HUD is realizing that the current HOPE for Homeowners (H4H) plan just isn’t working today it anoounced some important modifications to the program. We get this from a recent MarketWatch article on the subject:
The changes will give lenders a greater incentive to participate, by allowing them to write off less of the loan value than under the previous rules. Homeowners will benefit from lower monthly payments, but the loan’s term may be extended to as much as 40 years. The provisions will change the rules based on “Hope for Homeowners” legislation passed by Congress in July.
Under the new rules, homeowners won’t have to spend more than 31% of their monthly income on their house payment. For the lenders, the rules will allow them to write down a loan to 96.5% of the home’s actual value, rather than to 90% as under the old rule.
“These modifications should increase lender participation and help more families who are having difficulty paying their existing mortgages, but can afford a new affordable loan insured by HUD’s Federal Housing Administration,” said HUD Secretary Steve Preston.
In addition to income and spending restrictions, participating homeowners also can’t have household debt service of more than 43% of their monthly income. The new measure also can allow participating lenders to have their loan terms extended to 40 years from 30 years.
A number of existing Hope for Homeowners rules still apply. The mortgage must have originated before Jan. 1, 2008 and the loan amount can’t exceed $550,440.
In addition to easing up on some of the standards, there was also a provision added to make 2nd mortgage holders more likely to agree to the program:
The new HUD rules will also help second lien holders by providing them cash settlements up front to release their liens and clear the way for a refinance transaction with the Federal Housing Administration. The Treasury Department has issued bonds to pay second lien holder institutions to release their liens. The details of how much second lien holders will receive have yet to be released by HUD.
This provision was also received enthusiastically by the mortgage lending community. “By agreeing to immediately compensate subordinate lienholders, HUD is providing additional incentive for those lienholders to release their liens, which will free more borrowers to access the Hope for Homeowners Program,” Courson said.
While these more aggressive standards will surely help, only time will tell if the H4H program will take off or will continue to look dead on arrival as it has so far.
Comments Off on HOPE for Homeowners 2.0 Posted on Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
See an AP article on this subject here. The important part about the FDIC plan is that it is much more aggressive and broad than the similar plan the White House and Fannie and Freddie announced earlier this week.
The idea behind this plan is that the FDIC wants to give more financial incentive to banks to modify more loans and keep more people in their homes. That incentive would come in the form of the FDIC partially insuring modified loans that meet certain requirements. The new payments on modified loans must reportedly be 31% or less of the gross monthly income of the owner. This might be a very good solution for people who are currently upside down on their mortgages since the Hope For Homeowners plan has been a major flop so far.
Comments Off on FIDC still pushing its aggressive loan modification plan Posted on Friday, November 14th, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
As we have reported here, the Hope For Homeowners program is a flop so far. Government officials are seeing the same things we are. In an AP story we get this:
The government may let more borrowers qualify for a $300 billion program designed to let troubled homeowners swap risky loans for more affordable ones, a top Bush administration official said Wednesday.
The program, included in a housing bill passed by lawmakers over the summer, was launched Oct. 1. But there are concerns that lenders won’t participate because they have to voluntarily reduce the value of a loan and take a loss.
“We’re concerned that the program — as constructed today — is limiting people’s availability,” Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Steve Preston said in an interview with Associated Press writers and editors.
In the “Hope for Homeowners” plan’s current design, lenders have to take a big loss. They must absorb the difference between the current mortgage’s value and the new loan for 90 percent of the house’s current appraised value. One potential change is to make the new loan around 97 percent of the current home value, thus requiring lenders to take a smaller loss, Preston said.
Making that change and others “would open up participation in the program,” he said.
Comments Off on Seeking to fix the broken Hope For Homeowners (H4H) program Posted on Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
We get this from the fine folks over at CNNmoney.com:
The Bush administration on Tuesday unveiled a new program to modify mortgages and stabilize the battered real estate market, but the plan stops short of providing direct government financial help to at-risk homeowners.
The plan centers on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which between them own or back about 31 million mortgages worth a combined $5 trillion. The federal government took over the firms in September due to mounting losses on their portfolios of mortgages.
Homeowners who are 90 days or more late in their mortgage payments, who live in the home on which the mortgage was taken and have not filed for bankruptcy are eligible – assuming that loan is owned by Fannie or Freddie.
Their mortgage payments would be adjusted through lower interest rates or longer repayment schedules with the goal of bringing payments below 38% of monthly household income.
See the AP story on this plan here. Here is a quote from that article:
To qualify, borrowers would have to be at least three months behind on their home loans, and would need to owe 90 percent or more than the home is currently worth. Investors who do not occupy their homes would be excluded, as would borrowers who have filed for bankruptcy.
Borrowers would get help in several ways: The interest rate would be reduced so that borrowers would not pay more than 38 percent of their income on housing expenses. Another option is for loans to be extended from 30 years to 40 years, and for some of the principal amount to be deferred interest-free.
This is a different approach that the Hope For Homeowners (H4H) plan that has largely failed so far. The idea here is to simply lower payments for people who can’t keep up by either reducing interest rates or lengthening the term or both. Banks will be much more interested in this sort of plan than they were in the H4H plan because they are not required to eat huge losses when they modify loans. If it works, this will likely keep a lot of people in their homes and that will be good for everyone.
You must have a Fannie Mae or Freddi Mac backed loan to qualify for this plan and it sounds like it only applies to people who have fallen at least 90 days behind on payments. Contact your lender if you are that far behind and see if they are willing to modify your loan.
Comments Off on Next new foreclosure prevention plan unveiled today Posted on Tuesday, November 11th, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
The $700 billion bailout money has been set aside but there is a lot of jockeying going on trying to decide how to help slow down the wave of foreclosures at the heart of the world financial crisis. The FDIC is working up a plan that would give incentive to banks to modify loans rather than foreclose on people by offering to insure those modified loans against foreclosure. The White House is skeptical of that plan because they say it will give homeowners incentive to go delinquent on loans in order to get better terms. All in all, this is a mess that is going to take a long time to clean up. See a recent WSJ article on the subject here.
Comments Off on FDIC and White House wrangling over next foreclosure prevention steps Posted on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
There was a sobering story over at Businessweek.com discussing the lack of success so far for the H4H program. Here are some excerpts:
The government expects only 20,000 troubled borrowers will apply to refinance into more affordable home loans by next fall under a new mortgage aid program passed by lawmakers over the summer.
The $300 billion ‘Hope for Homeowners’ program was launched Oct. 1. Designed by lawmakers eager to respond to the mortgage crisis, the Congressional Budget Office had projected it would let 400,000 troubled homeowners swap risky loans for conventional 30-year fixed rate loans with lower rates.
But the early results are discouraging: the government received only 42 applications in the program’s first two weeks, according to the Federal Housing Administration. The low turnout was first reported by the industry newsletter Housing Wire. Since the applications take about 60 days to process, no loans have been approved yet.
20,000 instead of 400,000 people helped? That is 95% less than expected. If this were a business it would be considered a catastrophic failure. The article continued:
“It just reinforces that none of the federal efforts to date seem to be getting the job done,” said mortgage industry consultant Howard Glaser, a former housing official in the Clinton administration. “There’s just no question that when a new president and Congress come back to town, they’re going to take much more aggressive intervention.”
Meanwhile, consumer advocates and the banking industry alike have been eagerly awaiting an announcement of an ambitious plan to help around 3 million borrowers avoid foreclosure, though it remained uncertain whether the Bush administration would do so.
“The question on the table is, do we need to do more to help homeowners? If that answer is yes, then there’s a lot of other issues that have to be analyzed,” White House press secretary Dana Perino said Monday.
Still, many believed the Bush administration would eventually act, as foreclosures continue to skyrocket. “I think they finally get it,” said John Taylor, president of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a consumer group in Washington.
Who knows what the government will come up with but so far the plans they have tried (FHASecure and Hope 4 Homeowners) aren’t coming close to making a broad difference.
Comments Off on So far not so good for the H4H program Posted on Monday, November 3rd, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
There is a lot of scuttlebutt in the news lately about plans being floated around Washington to shore up the housing market. We get this from a CNNmoney.com article:
The government is expected to announce soon that it will devote up to $50 billion to directly address the source of the financial crisis: bad mortgages and millions of homeowners at risk of foreclosure.
White House spokesman Tony Fratto said on Thursday that “no decisions” have been made on “a number of housing proposals” that the administration has been reviewing “for some time.”
The ideas floating around also include looking at completely nationalizing Fannie and Freddie to drive mortgage interest rates down into the mid 4% range from the mid 6% range they are at right now. That would be a major boost to housing to be sure.
Comments Off on Government weighing more proposals to fix housing Posted on Friday, October 31st, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
There was an informative article published today by the AP on the ongoing mortgage crisis. The upshot of it was that there are all sorts of factors in play that will likely increase the number of foreclosures and thus decrease home values all over the US. Here is the article.
The basic factors that will likely to create a downward spiral in housing for another year or so include the following:
– People who are “upside down” (owe more than the home is currently worth) can’t refinance with any traditional loans so they might just walk away
– As the economy falters more jobs will be lost and job losses are the primary cause of foreclosures
– A large number of homes purchased at the height of the housing bubble were by investors and investors are much more likely to walk away from an investment property than primary residents are
The upshot is that if you are in an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), still have equity, and have a credit score of 600+ you should look into a refinance now. The problem with waiting is that if housing values continue to drop you may not have equity any more in six months and will be stuck in an ARM without the ability to refinance into a fixed rate loan. Rates on FHA loans this week were hovering between 6.0-6.5%.
If you are already upside down on your mortgage your best bet to work something out with your current lender. If that isn’t working this new H4H program is slowly getting off the ground so that might work as a last ditch effort as well.
Comments Off on Foreclosure will continue to mount and home values will continue to drop; if you are in an ARM now is the time to look into a fixed rate FHA loan Posted on Sunday, October 26th, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
There was a pretty good article over at CNNmoney.com explaining why the new H4H program isn’t taking off. Here are some excerpts:
First, the program is voluntary for lenders. And it requires them to take a loss.
It allows certain borrowers at risk of foreclosure to refinance into a 30- year fixed-rate loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) if the current lender agrees to write down the existing loan to 90% of the home’s market value today.
In plummeting areas such as California, if a lender holds a $500,000 mortgage and the home’s current appraisal comes in at $400,000, the lender would forgive $140,000 in all.
That leads to the second problem: A lack of sheer manpower.
“I am just bombarded,” said Leeann Simpson, a senior loan officer at American Security Financial in Modesto, Calif, which is on the list. But so far, most of the lenders or servicers holding the existing loans aren’t ready for the program or do not understand it yet, she said.
The government did not release the final details of the program until launch day. “We were waiting and waiting for the guidelines, but we didn’t get them until Oct. 1,” said Simpson. “I literally stayed up all night reading, because I had a bunch of appointments lined up.”
Fill in the contact form on the right to learn more.
Comments Off on Some reasons why H4H is not taking off quickly Posted on Friday, October 24th, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
There was an interesting AP article today about a Senate committee meeting on the mortgage mess. The head of the FDIC said there are all kinds of creative plans in the works to try to help Americans prevent foreclosure. Here are some excerpts:
Federal regulators told Congress Thursday they’re working on a plan that could help many distressed homeowners escape foreclosure in a global financial crisis that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned will get worse before it gets better. …
Neel Kashkari, who is overseeing the government’s $700 billion financial rescue effort, told the Senate Banking Committee that the new plan could include setting standards for changing mortgages to make them more affordable and giving loan guarantees to banks that meet them.
“We are passionate about doing everything we can to avoid preventable foreclosures,” he said.
Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., told the same Senate panel that the government needs to do more to help tens of thousands of home borrowers avert foreclosure, including setting standards for modifying mortgages into more affordable loans and providing loan guarantees to banks and other mortgage services that meet them.
“Loan guarantees could be used as an incentive for servicers to modify loans,” Bair said. “By doing so, unaffordable loans could be converted into loans that are sustainable over the long term.”
The FDIC is working “closely and creatively” with the Treasury Department on such a plan, she said.
Comments Off on More government plans in the works to prevent foreclosures Posted on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008
Filed under Government Mortgage Financing Programs News
There was an article over at Forbes recently that will be of interest to anyone following the progress of the new Hope For Homeowners (H4H) program. The author says what others are saying — that in order to truly fix the problem our economy faces we will first need to put a tourniquet on the foreclosures all over the country. But he also says that the current H4H program will not work because it is a voluntary program for banks and there is not enough incentive for banks to participate right now.
Unfortunately, he appears to be right. We are more than two weeks into the launch of the H4H program and we have yet to hear of a single bank that is gung ho about the program and actively participating.
There are increasing rumors that some of the Big Bailout money could be used to sweeten the deal for banks in some way to get H4H working better. It may not be as simple as the government taking the full brunt of the losses of the upside down mortgages as John McCain suggested (lifting his idea from Hillary Clinton ironically). But it could be something like the the banks and government sharing those losses. If the federal government does announce a plan along these lines we could see a massive increase in the adoption of H4H, which has thus far not even shown a pulse.
See this excerpt from the article I mentioned:
A more modest proposal than that of Sen. McCain, which may balance costs and benefits more effectively, would follow the example of the successful Mexican “Punto Final” plan of 1999, which resulted in substantial debt write-downs very quickly and the resolution of much financial gridlock in that country.
The government would share losses borne by lenders from mortgage principal write-downs on a proportional basis. For example, taxpayers could absorb 20% of the write-down cost borne by lenders on any mortgage so long as it is agreed through a voluntary renegotiation between lenders and borrowers, and so long as doing so creates a sufficient write-down for borrowers to be able qualify for refinancing under the FHA facility.
This plan would cost much less than the McCain plan (perhaps only about $10 billion) and would not reward the worst kind of recklessness, since it would only result in borrowers receiving help if they were already close to avoiding foreclosure on their own. This proposal, while selective in its effect, could still help many avoid foreclosure.
The group of borrowers whom it would help are those whose mortgages need a little more of a write-down than their lenders would be willing to do without a subsidy. For this “marginal” group, foreclosure creates only a small private benefit to lenders compared with the alternative of agreeing to a viable mortgage write-down. The plan would work by encouraging lenders to write down more of any outstanding mortgage to avoid foreclosure. But it would not rescue people who are so far from being able to avoid foreclosure that even a substantial subsidy for write-downs isn’t enough.
Comments Off on Is Hope For Homewners (H4H) going to get a turbo boost soon? Posted on Thursday, October 16th, 2008